Tuesday, 22 September 2015

How to increase the profitability of Palm Kernel processing

I have been in pko processing for a while now and there several lessons I've learnt by the virtue of experience. Friends let's rub mind on some;

1) Profitability is linked to your TURNAROUND time:
 By this I mean the more continuous your operation is, the more your profit. In essence it isn't just about the quantity you processed per time but the number of times you can repeat it ina short time.

2) Lay hold on as many sections on the OIL PALM chain:
Imagine if you are the one supply yourself with raw material i.e. palm kernel, it will be easy for you to process at a pre-planned time while cutting down on raw material and logistics cost. With my experience, it is possible to save at least #10,000 on every ton of palm kernel you process before it gets to the mill. It is possible for you to buy unshelled nuts while you shell yourself or even boycott the warehouse and go to the farms yourself to buy the shelled nut. Once you have money on ground, it is easy to buy the loyalty of the farmers.

3) Make supply to End Users of oil;
Yes this is important. I was shock when I got to know that a middleman I supply to makes over   #50 on every litre of oil I sell to him. I can't blame him because he never cheated me, he only sells to the end users like big soap makers or refinery. Also, ensure your pkc gets to pig farmers.

Don't go away I will be back with more.

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